Cost disclosure
In accordance to the regulatory requirements under Article 24(4) of MiFID II and Article 50 of MiFID II Delegated Regulation, SFI Markets B.V. discloses the costs and charges related to the financial products traded by it on ex ante basis. For the full statement of cost and charges disclosure, please reach out to This statement is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal or any other form of advice and must not be relied upon as such.
RTS 28 disclosure
IFR disclosure – Part VI
Whistleblower Policy
SFI Markets B.V. is committed to ensure that all individuals associated with it on employment basis are provided a secure and confidential channel to report any suspected violations of laws, regulations, policies or any other wrongdoing without the fear of retaliation, among other available whistleblower protections. Please refer to our Whistleblower Policy for more information on submission, timeline, process as well as reporting channels available with respect to whistleblower reports relating to any concerns at SFI Markets B.V.